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As A Man Thinketh In His Heart So Is He!

April 3, 2013
As A Man Thinketh In His Heart

As A Man Thinketh In His Heart So Is He! This is a scripture in the Bible out of Proverbs 23:7

Please look at this carefully and study it, because God is giving you a clear message here. If you think small you are small, if you think big you are big. If you think defeat you are defeated, if you think victory you are victorious. If you think poverty you are poor if you think rich you are rich! I could go on and on.

For too long many Christians are living beneath their privilege, simply because they don’t apply the word of God to their live. God has given us power over our own destiny by giving us the power of the mind. In other words you can change your destiny just by changing the way you think. Guys this is super powerful. It may seem simplistic but it is backed up by the word of God, and as you know God takes the foolish things to confound the wise.

Change Your Thinking Change Your Destiny

So the question you should ask yourself is what do I want to be or what do I want to become? You should try to visualize it and literally make it real in your mind. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Let me say this real quick, believing and faith are two totally separate definitions and sometimes we confuse the two. Believe is not faith. Faith is KNOWING the outcome before the outcome is manifest!

Now if I know that God has given me the power to change my destiny by changing my mind, why not have faith in that destiny that you have in your mind? Yes!

So this is what you must do. Visualize it, see it, form it, own it, embrace it and you too will be exactly who you think you are!

As A Man Thinketh In His Heart So Is He! This is a scripture in the Bible out of Proverbs 23:7


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Author: Remko Marica
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